Channel: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR – South Cheatham Advocate
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Editorials: Keith Patterson 09/14/13



I speak to the countless Tennesseans chafing under the escalating burden of government malfeasance and political tyranny that typifies our federal government and state legislatures today. I wrote off the donkey party forty years ago, and discontinued financially supporting the elephants in 1996. Like scores of other hardworking, proud, constitution-trusting Americans, I’ve always known that strong doses of Free Enterprise, Individual Freedom, Limited Government, and Traditional American Values are the keys to a bright American future. And, along with many like-minded fellow citizens, I’ve held out hope that our misguided GOP,

nudged and coaxed by the grassroots holding its feet to the fire, would become home to a rebirth of constitutional thinking and advocacy of constitutional public policy.

The national Republican Party’s dismal, steadily worsening performance throughout the tenure of Obama’s administration, and the inane activities of a Republican “super-majority” in our state legislature, vividly illustrate that the day we all hoped would never come has arrived – the day we acknowledge that the GOP is not salvageable and that we have no more time to wait around for what will never happen.

Lest we fall victim to the “an alternative party can’t win” mentality, consider the following: The Republican Party was formed in 1854, with little Southern presence. Four years later it had assimilated members from the “two major parties”, and held majorities in most northern states. Six years after its inception, the party’s Presidential candidate was victorious in the election of 1860, catapulting it to a 72-year domination of the national political scene.

Are you ready to begin working “productively” on restoring the republic left to us by the Founders – working within a political vehicle structured to meet the challenge of holding its leaders and candidates accountable to the U. S. Constitution? If so, I encourage and challenge you to investigate the Constitution Party of Tennessee (http://constitutionpartyoftennessee.com) and the national Constitution Party (http://constitutionparty.com). Each is organized as a “bottom-up” entity, where leadership and party standard-bearers answer to the rank and file. Compare that with the “top-down” dictatorial nature of today’s entrenched GOP machine, continually favoring tax-and-spend big government progressive candidates over true reform-minded Conservatives and

Constitutionalists, squelching all threats to RINO legislators and candidates by the latter.

I speak to all Tea Partiers and everyone else sick of gagging on the slavery being foisted upon us without recouse by the cesspool that Washington has become. We all should commit to

upholding only that standard under which the USA became the greatest force for good the world has known. Through this I believe we can, over relatively few election cycles, duplicate the meteoric rise of that new party founded in 1854. And only if we make this commitment and follow through, can these United States of America become once again a shining city on a hill, home to the most free and prosperous people on Earth. So . . . let’s do this. It’s time

Keith A. Patterson



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